Monday Minute with Ian!
1 - Do you *snort*?
No, but I do have this Loud Contagious Never-Ending Laugh!
2 - Our friend, has a nickname and it's Daffy. What's your nickname?
(given to me by my Samoan friend, the girls at my old job use it too)
3 - Do you know sign language?
Some but not really ASL more baby signs. I had to drop out of my beginning ASL class when my son aged out of his subsidized daycare
4 - What's a sample convo from your hood?
(My Living Room)
*Blaring Creepy Music from outside*
Kids: Mama.. the Ice Cream Man is here do you have a dollar?
Me: Hell Naw!! You think I'm made of money? It's the end of the month, what we have left is only for Emergencies!!!
(5min later)
*Beep Beep-Bicycle Cart Horn*
Me: Watch your brother the Corn man is here, and don't touch my change jar thats for the Tamale Lady!!!!
(The corn man is so good.. he rubs butter and parmesan cheese then sprinkles pico de gallo on it. The corn on the cob is on a Stick so you can hold it and chow down... and The Tamale Lady.... Fresh Fresh Fresh & YUMMY!... so yup this is considered an emergency!)
5- Do you sleep with electronic devices - i.e. laptop, Blackberry, iPhone, etc?
I am terrified of the dark. Seriously pee my pants terrified!! My T.V. and bathroom light stays on all night!
I want a corn man in my hood, I have the creepy ice cream van. There should be more variety offered here!
great answers...
I hope you have a wonderful Monday..
DUDE!!! I want a corn man and a tamale lady!!!
You always give unique answers and info. Have a good day.
LMAO that the corn man and tamale lady are emergencies. I need me some corn man RIGHT NOW. ;-)
Where do you live that the ice cream man only costs a DOLLAR????
The corn sounds really good! Now I want some.
You've got priorities...corn and tamales kick the ass of any trifling ice cream sandwich.
That corn sounds YUUUUUMY
I'm scared of the dark too. I started letting my daughter have a night light and the hubby hates it, but I totally get it.
I'd keep the lights on too, but my wife is an energy saving freak, so I have to deal.
I would so be all over that corn man. I love it when I go to Mexico and I can get corn on the street.
I want a corn man, please!!!!!
I wish the ice cream man came down my street...Lol.
That corn sounds so good! I need to come visit and raid your coin jar!
Why can't I still live in a place that brings hot delicious snacks to my door anymore? I miss the trunk-of-the-car candy dude. He had the best stuff!
You crack me up!!! I LOVE me some homemade tamales, and the corn sounds absolutely delish...an emergency for sure!!!
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