The day before the Picnic and Tafari ,
Unknown Miho in this pic ;)
Unknown Miho in this pic ;)
sends a shout out to the Unknown Family
Hope your Having a Happy Father's Day,
Unknown Papi!
1st annual Summer Autism Picnic
(I forgot to get permission from parents to post pics online,
so most pics are of my family and families I know personally)
My kids & I
The Scholar, The Comedian, Mr. Attitude, Me, & Tafari
We are an extremely Comedic cast of Characters!
Grandparents & Grandkids
Visit Unknown Mami for Sundays in My City
Autism/Aspergers families...join The Autspot for online Support!
It looks like a very special day. : ) Your family is beautiful.
You always have the greatest photographs here - It looks like you guys always have the best fun.
I was looking through these on FB and totally enjoying them. thanks for sharing.
Family and the park-does it get any better. Thanks for sharing your Sunday in your city!
Lot's of smiling faces there. Looks like you organized a great day. Congrats. Hope you enjoyed it too.
Wonderful day for sure and fantastic photos:)
beautiful babies!! all four of em! and i know grandma & pa are proud as all get out!.
i hope you are having a great sunday jane!!! i was thinking i had not given you any comment love lately. and i do think about you and pray for the best for you. thought today i would stop by.
I love the pictures of the picnic. I always love looking at pictures of your family.
Thank you so much for the shout out at the beginning of the post. You made my day!
Looks like a fun family! Hope you have a great week. Thank Unknown Miho couldn't be cuter!
What is it about bouncers that kids LOVE so much! The faces in your pics really says it all.
This looks like a fun picnic for a great cause.
Happy Father's Day!
Great pics, although, that first one is the best!! Love it.
What a fun day! Love the photos.
Great pics! It looks like a fun day!
Looks like it was a fun event. Congrats!! Great pics.
Great pictures! It looks like the picnic was a success! Congrats! I know you worked so hard for this.
Thanks for sharing what looks to be an amazing day filled with sunshine, love and happiness. It looks like everyone had a great time.
The picinic looks like a blast!
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