I have a Love Hate Relationship with Facebook.
There are a few things that drive me crazy.
There are a few things that drive me crazy.
1. The Random Friend Request
This is the person that scours friends of friends and sends friend requests for absolutely no reason at all. Or they just spend the day stalking pages and since yours is closed they try and add you. The only time I add someone I don't know is if they have more than two mutual friends. The reason I add them is because that is my clue they have a mutual interest in Special Needs. My facebook consists of four Catagories. The IRL friend whom I not only know, but actually like, a family member, a blogging friend whom I'd like to stay in contact with, and Special Needs Families and groups.
This is the person that scours friends of friends and sends friend requests for absolutely no reason at all. Or they just spend the day stalking pages and since yours is closed they try and add you. The only time I add someone I don't know is if they have more than two mutual friends. The reason I add them is because that is my clue they have a mutual interest in Special Needs. My facebook consists of four Catagories. The IRL friend whom I not only know, but actually like, a family member, a blogging friend whom I'd like to stay in contact with, and Special Needs Families and groups.
2. The High School Friend Request
Seriously?? You hated me and made my life freakin' miserable. You teased me about my friends, my race, my multi-cultural family, you made me insecure. I tried many things... being nice, avoiding you by walking the long way to class, and sometimes ditching to avoid you all together. Now because Facebook has been invented I am suppose to forget these things and consider you a "friend"? Oh and my how the table has turned YOU WANT TO BE MY FRIEND... hahahahahaha um NO.
3. The Security Settings
Everytime I figure it out Facebook changes them!!! What the heck???
4. The Insecure Postings
Really? Your showing your ass all over Facebook? Why is every shot of you from behind, is that how you walk into a room? Oh you have kids.... hey dumb ass do you know they and their friends can see your CFM look? I hope you never have to go to court with their dad because a printer is all he needs to win his case. Lets not forget the dumbass that Smokes Weed in their pics. Did you really ask me online if I smoke Pot? Are you serious, you didn't notice my mother on my friends list? You do know that it's still illegal right? A Medical Marijuana Card does not fully protect you sweetie. Um, hello you have kids too, seriously?, so....... you want them to think smoking pot online is smart? Class and Discretion go along way.
5. Comments (This goes for blogs too by the way)
So you don't agree with what I think on MY page..... get the phuck outta here!! It's my page for a reason. Freedom of Speech is a wonderful thing when used correctly. Here is my idea of respect. Stop by my page. Give a few FACTUAL sentences why you disagree, then get the heck outta here!! Here's a good idea go to your wall and continue your Freedom of Speech. It's like walking into someone's house and debating on their decor... hello... the world doesn't revolve around you... its called your opinion for a reason. It's yours.

I hate Facebook. Some girl who wanted to beat me up in high school sent me THREE friend requests. I kept ignoring them and she finally gave up.
I'm already following you but I just wanted to say Hey!!
I love it when old girl friends friend request my husband. That's my favorite :)
Visiting your blog for the first time and I LOVED this post!!! I'm so with you on the high school friend request too. I've ignored many a request because of that!
I'm a new follower from the 40 Blog Hop! Have a great weekend!
Hi there.
Stopping by from Friday-Follow to say hello.
Thanks for playing.
Have a great day!
oh i 100% agree with you!!! esp about the old highschool friends hahaha
Ugh. I also have a Love-Hate relationship with FB. My hubby's family is all over that thing and I can't go on without being bombarded ALL THE TIME. And they argue online, where everyone can see it. Ugh.
Love this post. This is why I deleted my facebook. Everything that you listed and the fact my own kids ignored my friend requests and then my grandmother tried to add me. I knew I was in the wrong place.
Not that I get high school friend requests, my friends have no clue who I married an I sure as heck don't use my maiden name.
On a side note, I would hope that some of those people actually grew up and became better people. No, I'm not crazy, I know not everyone changes, but some do.
I am on FB but mainly for the games AND my kids added me so it is a great way to find out who they are talking to and what they are doing when they are not here with me.Happy Friday hun
Fb annoys me. I'm rarely on there any more.
~jane...l♥♥♥ve it! you speak truth in a bold beautiful hilarious way...i am not on facebook but have heard oh so many stories...this was great...wishing you and your a wonderful weekend...brightest blessings to you and yours~
I'm already a follower - but just thought I'd say Hello! I'm stopping by from Follow Friday OVER 40.
Stopping by from Friday Follow! I love this blog. Mine's all about ranting too. I'm following you now, so lead on!
I got a friend request from a girl that was definitely not friends with me in high school, it gave me infinite pleasure to decline her :)
haha, I have recently moved away from Facebook as well ... I do hate the random we have no one in common, but somehow you want to be my friend request and people who went to my freaking huge high school 3 years after I graduated that I have no idea who they are ... ahhh!
Following from ff. I hate facebook with a passion yet even after deleting my account I made a new one and am keeping a low profile. It's messes my computer up, I got hacked once, people add you then never speak to you, etc etc etc, lol. Feel free to stop by and follow if interested. www.ecomodernmom.com
Got sucked into Facebook early and realized after a few months what a waste of time it was and how self involved it was making me...like anyone really cares what I do moment to moment. You are so right on with this post. (Actually, I was just too afraid to disagree with you) *winks*
i'm already following your blog. You say what you mean and if someone doesn't like it they can move on. i enjoy your blog and hearing about your family and directions. have a good weekend. rose
Oh and don't forget the people that update their status every five minutes! I seriously have a friend that does this... and you know no one ever comments on anything she says. But she still hasn't got the clue.
I have a hard time with the people who feel inclined to post daily reports of what they are eating. Who cares?
yes yes yes!! The random friends request!!! One person actually had the nerve to get angry when I sent them a message asking them why they wanted to be my friends..."go f*ck yourself" they said, "you ain't shit!" Yep...that was their response. I never knew why they wanted to be my friends in the first place.
I hear ya on the... don't like what I'm saying? Leave for goodness sakes!
I hope you don't mind, but I took your Special Needs button and am displaying it on mine at http://christys62.blogspot.com/. I love it! If there is a problem, please let me know. We had a special needs child and it just struck me. Thanks for putting it on there.
This is SO true!!
On a side note..my daughter is STILL not crosseyed...I'll keep trying though. ;) Thanks for stopping by!
Totally agree with ya! I use facebook to keep in contact with friends when I get really busy (I'm a college kid), but sometimes I hate it! People don't seem to realize that what they put as their status, everyone can see (at least their friends can, anyway). I hate it when I see people I know are underage post "Can't wait to get wasted tonight!" or post pictures of themselves holding vodka bottles. REALLY!? They don't realize employers look at that stuff, and most of them don't take the time to change privacy settings. UGH.
Cheap Geeks Anonymous
You know I'm following you and I get so many friend invites.. only time that I question it now is if they have no other friends that are mutual. Funny how that got to be.
But those old high schools folks.. well they don't usually get added. I'm sorry you didn't like me back then. I knew what you said to others (maybe not about me) I can't stand negative people then.. I don't want them now.
Hopping by from Friday's blog hop! You have a new follower! Come visit me at Mama's Little Chick.
Mama Hen
My cousin drives me nuts friending people that I know he couldn't possibly know!!
Hi! Stopping by from Friday Follow. Nice to meet you and I can't wait to read more about you and your family. Hope to see your around my corner of bloggy land!
Awww, I wanna be your FB friend! I promise I won't leave nasty comments. Note: I didn't promise not to leave insane ones.
I totally agree with you on the random friend crap though, drives me up the wall and back down again.
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