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    Sunday, January 10, 2010

    Sidewalk Talk

    Unknown Mami






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    Anonymous said...

    wow...that is really cool! and i can't believe how long it is... that was quite a job for someone!

    Liz Mays said...

    That was so cool and I love that it's on the sidewalk for all to see!

    Lisa said...

    This is really interesting and I love bougainvillea.

    Adoption of Jane said...

    I was walking down the street one day a little depressed and looked down and noticed it.. its about 3 city blocks and a bit unnoticeable... new word for the day bougainvillea.. thanks Ocean Girl didn't know what the flowers were called all I knew is it's middle of January and Southern California is in Full Bloom!

    Sonya said...

    What a great thing to find! I loved reading that. Beautiful flowers!! I wish we had some of that sun over here.

    Have a wonderful week:)

    chocolatecovereddaydreams.blogspot.com said...

    I love that and how it is displayed for all to read.

    We have tons of bougainvillea here. They are beautiful but the thorns sure hurt.

    Thanks for stopping in to say hi on my blog. I'm also following you now.

    Joanna Jenkins said...

    That is AWE-SOME! A million thanks for taking the time to share all of that with it. It's very cool.

    Have a great Sunday.


    Lori said...

    That was amazing to read and I love that you discovered it totally by accident too. Thanks for sharing that with all of us. Sometimes meaningful art is just under our feet waiting for us to discover it!

    PS...Can you send some of that gorgeous sunshine my way????

    Unknown said...

    Wow. That is totally awesome. I loved it! Great post! And wise story! Thanks for sharing!

    Julie said...

    Woo-hu ... what a glorious sidewalk ramble you have taken us on. That is one very powerful poem. I love it.

    Thank you and take care.

    Anonymous said...

    That was AWESOME!!!

    Thanks for posting it!

    Corrie Howe said...

    This is a neat idea. What fun to follow and take pictures and contemplate.

    brainella said...

    What a nifty poem. Thanks for sharing.

    Nancy C said...

    I wonder how many people bump into others by accident, so entranced by the story? I know I would.

    Claudya Martinez said...

    That was wonderful!

    On a side not, my brother was born in Long Beach.

    Twincerely,Olga said...

    that was so awesome! Thanks for tsking the time to share!

