Kim Rossi Stagliano is an amazing mother, wife, and writer. She writes from the soul and parents her daughters from the heart. She is the type of writer you know, that if you knew her, she would definitely be your best friend. Regardless what side of the Autism debate you are on, regardless if you have a child on the spectrum, regardless if you even have a child. She would definitely be a dear friend for life. There is a part in her book where she describes her relationship with her good friend Susan. They are both on the opposite sides of the Autism debate. Kim describes it as her being "Team Curebie" and her friend being "Team NeuroDiversity". She explains their mutual respect for each other and to me, that is priceless. If our whole community could be that way, how awesome would that be? I find it beautifully ironic that her book release date was the day of The Communication Shutdown and Speak Out. Makes me want to scream... OMG! Only Kim's book would have that coincidence!!!
Her relationship with her family is touching. I really enjoy how she talks about her daughters. I feel as if I went through each and every step with her. Her story is so honestly written it had me laughing, crying, laughing, crying, and laughing some more! I respect Kim's ability to be so truthful.. she speaks of experiences most have had but wouldn't dare say out loud. Such as, losing your child in a public place, potty training mishaps, and marriage. Another thing I truly enjoyed about this book is how she added the family pictures in the middle. Absolutely Stunning family. Kim and her husband are a handsome couple. And her daughters... breathtakingly beautiful! Mia, Gianna, and Bella will warm your heart. What is truly interesting is that through this book, the story, and the pictures, you will feel these little girls emotions and begin to understand what living life with Autism is like. To be able to connect with a child on the Spectrum is a hard task. To be able to connect with a child on the Spectrum through their mothers written words... absolutely brilliant writing Kim Rossi Stagliano, absolutely brilliant!
There are so many things I can say about Kim and her husband Mark. I don't want to re-tell her story so let me say it simply this way. They are the perfect example of the following vows:
I, take thee, to be my husband/wife, knowing in my heart that you will be my constant friend, my faithful partner in life, and my one true love. On this special and holy day, I affirm to you in the presence of God and all those in attendance, these witnesses my sacred promise to stay by your side as your faithful husband/wife in sickness and in health, in joy and in sorrow, as well as through the good times and the bad. I further promise to love you without reservation, honor and respect you, provide for your needs as best I can, protect you from harm, comfort you in times of distress, grow with you in mind and spirit, always be open and honest with you, and cherish you for as long as we both shall live.
This book is one I will leave on my coffee table to pick up when I'm overstressed and tired. This morning I woke up to a bruised open purple cut, the size of a quarter, where my son had bit me last night.... WWKD? <---what would Kim do.. my latest catchy phrase.. I think she would handle all of her commitments, make all her phone calls, ship her kids to school then go straight to the doctors. She would sit in the waiting room with a crazed look on her face and laughing aloud.. while thinking in her head... this is what had to happen for me to get a moment to myself??!! Really?
This book is a must read!!

Other places you can find Kim Rossi Stagliano
ALL I CAN HANDLE: I'm No Mother Teresa
(A Life Raising Three Daughters with Autism)
By Kim Stagliano
ISBN-13: 9781616080693
ISBN: 1616080698
Publisher: Skyhorse Publishing
Release date: November 01, 2010
This looks like an excellent book!
Wow, Jane. Thank you. I love how you tied the book to our wedding vows, since I begin the book with how I glossed over the "worst, sicker, poorer" part so easily on my wedding day. My fervent hope for this book is that is helps other autism families laugh and feel camaraderie AND that those outside the community with understand the challenges and step up to help us and our kids. Wow - thank you so much.
Ok I am putting this on my list for Christmas.. cause now I want it.. and I now have a new person to follow.. if you love her Jane that is saying something..
Shoot, just from reading the description you provided, I'm tired already. Whew!
I must get a copy of this book. It sounds amazing. Thanks for highlighting it! I think I may have to buy it for my upcoming birthday!
That sounds like an amazing book.
I hope you took Kim's advice!
Consider me a new "fan" of yours ... I look forward to reading more of your blog =)
Kim is someone I have known for years, and you have nailed her to a tee ! She IS a fantastic wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, and writer.
This is a "I-can't-put-it-down-til-I'm-done book" whether you love someone on the autism spectrum or not.
Hey, Jules! Will that last check I sent you cover this comment too? You're too kind and I can't wait to see you in Cleveland in December! :) KIM
I can't wait to read it.
sounds like a great book to read and get inspiration in being a parent with sp. needs child. thanks rose
It sounds like it's a great one to refer back to time and time again!
I am so glad you found such a wonderful book. It was great to have you stop by!
Excellent post!!! Definitely interested in reading this!
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