Sargent Shriver
Thank you and Kennedy for moments like these:
Peace Corps Volunteers, Uganda, E. Africa, during the late 60's Early 70's. My Mum, Dad and their friends enjoying their (Seldom) Days off in Uganda...
My Dad, Mum, & Friends....

To really know me........
you must first know the Peace Corps
~Jane Tipton Gasibiregye.... aka Betti Tipton
What a wonderful bunch of memories. I'm so sorry you lost someone so dear.
Those pictures are so beautiful. Is that you in the picture as a little girl? I am so sorry for your loss. ((HUGS))
~to remember as you are is the most beautiful way to honor your loved one...i am sorry for your loss and pray as the days weeks and months go by your heart will be at ease...that you will feel their presence with you each day that you rise and find comfort in the evening hours...my heart goes out to you my dear sweet friend...much love light and healing blessings upon you and yours family during this time and always~
I hope people know he was a national hero. I am already sure you do.
What wonderful photographs you have been passed down.
Those are some great pictures.
So sorry for your loss!
Amazing pics, Jane!!!
I love these photos. The love just ozzes out. Is that a word? Well you know what I mean.
Sorry for your loss.
What a great looking couple! They look like they truly enjoyed themselves.
I did have a laugh at the "Elephants have right of way" sign.
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