Most people run a race to see who is fastest.
I run a race to see who has the most guts.
~Steve Prefontaine
Getting ready for his first 1K
Arriving with Brother
Found Grandpa!
Stopping by Train 4 Autism Booth
to say hello to Ben!
A hero is an ordinary individual who finds the strength
to persevere and endure in spite
of overwhelming obstacles. ~Christopher Reeves
Kids Start Line
Ben's daughter running
for Train 4 Autism
The Family helps him make it
to the Finish Line
Auntie Ran the Race with him
Autism in Long Beach Secretary,
Stella, gives out hugs!
Resting at the Train 4 Autism Booth
"It's your truth that shows who you truly are
far more than your abilities."
~Author Unknown
Thank you for all your donations! We arrived late so I missed my race.
However, the donations applied to the Kids Race as well.
Visit Unknown Mami for more Sunday's in My City
Visit Fresh Mommy for more Sunday Citar